Monday, January 4, 2021

New Year? Any new readers out there? 😊

New readers?  Why would anyone need that?  Well, I guess I could ask for a few suggestions.  Tell me what might sell, if you would.  Do you suppose the price I’ve been requiring of my readership is just a bit too high?  Well, now, if I were to reduce that price, temporarily, in any case, I guess I’d have to ask all my readers to first tell me where to send the check—that’s about the only way I can drop the current price to my readers, right?  When you start out charging nothing, the only way to improve on that (for the reader, that is,) would be to provide a payment to anyone who might take the time to read your offering. Well, that sounds like a good idea to me!  So, after you finish reading, drop me a line in support and tell me what you think!


Other than that opportunity to pay a bit to my readers, and my need to know where to send my payments, I do have a few other requests you can help me with.  My main needs, needs you can supply by providing valuable information to me, are:


          1)  Topics to write about.

          2)  Preferred information sources. 

          3)  Ways to increase readership.

          4)  Suggestions on publication frequency.  (And)

          5)  Anything else?


And that, dear reader, just about does it.  Would you please attach your thoughts below, as comments for my consideration?  I would sure appreciate whatever you think might improve this blog. 


And, in addition to those comments, as your contribution to the continuance of this blog, please send your mailing address, and your supporter check for $10 (didn’t think reading this should be absolutely without cost, did you?)  And know, my dollar to you, dear reader, as payment for your readership, will be in the mail as soon as my staff might be able to manage it—no later than 3 weeks from the date of our receipt of your check. 


And thanks!  We writers need all the support we can get!


(Heh, heh, he!)




Stephen V. Geddes said...

Of course, you, dear reader, do recognize there is absolutely no reason to send anything to me, monetarily wise, for any reason! I write for my own purposes. Sucking money away from you is not, I say NOT one of those purposes!!!

Stephen V. Geddes said...

And thanks for reading!