Monday, January 4, 2021


Once upon a time, there was a second Morningbrain.  It was Morningbrain...Deux.  Somewhere along the line, though, I returned to the original Morningbrain, where we are now, and left behind ...Deux, for reasons that are not particularly relevant.  Still, there is some rather interesting information in "...Deux,"  and some may find information there that may be just what they may need for one reason or another.  So, dear reader, I may suggest you take a look: " " and enjoy. 

I do believe MB2 may be just what I might need from time to time, though.  Will give the matter some thought and see what differentiation might be useful.  Will pass this on, and will probably define what is there, and what is here, in the near future.  Thanks to all.

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