Friday, April 5, 2019

Internet Info (and military training) Can Be Useful

CPR, Anyone?
Now I don't know if you have to have a subscription to the internet’s Medscape (free, of course), but the reference below is to an article about CPR (Cardio-pulmonary Resuscitation) and relative survival rates using two types of CPR.  We in the military were taught compression with ventilation, the best type according to the article.  Guess all I'm saying here, is if one is to get into trouble and need help, one would be well advised to have one's problem somewhere where there are military personnel, active duty, reserve, or national guard members, or retirees, around.  Some military training subjects can be useful to anyone, and, in the case of first aid training, it is something many may never have had the chance to learn.  Glad I had the opportunity (might not have had it if the draft and the Vietnam war hadn't been in effect when I was an appropriate age, though.)

Think Recovery

While flipping through a "composition book" where I keep things like passwords, as well as thoughts I might have when the book happens to be in my hands, I came to this little poem.  Think I'll put it in here (in case I lose the book, maybe the internet will save just a bit of one of my thoughts.)

Think Recovery

Every now and then, my friend,
Or so I sometime think...
I take some paper and a pen,
And write, instead of drink.

There was a time, I'm sad to say,
When this was not the case, though,
A time when thought was washed away,
Down a "Madhatter" infested sink hole.

This arrived without a thought
Thanks only to growing older,
And drink that once was what I sought
Just left my thinking colder.

In time, that changed--changed as it should,
And now things are better for all;
For me, my wife, yes, even our dog,
Trust is now there whenever I call,
                   And trust, my friend, is good.

And, of course, copyright 2019, Stephen V. Geddes
(Should have been around 2010, but I just re-found it.)

Monday, April 1, 2019

Class of '62 "outing"

It was bound to happen !

Morningbrain struck about an hour ago (3:30 +/-.)  Thought about this a few minutes and all I can say, is, "I wonder if maybe Herr Brain sometimes activates due to the sleeping posture and the improvement of the blood/oxygen flow that is bound to occur when one is supine as opposed to having the head at the top of a verticality?"  May be one reason for the sleeplessness that attacks with a certain degree of regularity at night after a certain time has passed and one thing or another, e.g., hydraulic overload (?) requires arousal.

Oh, well, whatever the reason, it just happens.  Today, after Tobi and I returned from our respective dewatering holes, he returned to bed and I turned on the livingroom TV.  So far, nothing interesting there, so I took a crack at this.  Blogger is often neglected, even though, as its name implies, it probably should come first at this time of the day.

Well.  Went to Facebook and, wanting to post something appropriate, immediately perused UTube.  Found it almost immediately, having suggested "Ricky Nelson and Garden Party."  Listened, then posted ( ) to memorialize, to a certain extent, a party for "The Graduating Class of 1962" that was set up by Judy Lackey (with assistance from, I suspect, "sigoth" David Ellett, and friend Martha Lockhart,) at Aiken, SC's "Outing Club."  Thanks, Judy, Martha!  Loved it!

It was a great day for it, and quite a few of us were able to be there.  Missed those who did not come and, of course, those who could not come (fewer of us available, the later in life we all are.)

Particularly enjoyed seeing some of my old baseball buddies, Terry Chance, Henry Roberts, Dick Simons, e.g., along with wives and other friendly folks.  I even met one lady who said she had worked with my dad.  Boy, would I like to talk with her a while longer!  Never knew much about what my dad did--workers at the site were reluctant to talk about what must have been highly classified work.  Ran into one Fbooker who didn't seem to want to talk.  Maybe he felt disrespected due to one of my posts.  All I have to say about that is (to use a "fishy" quote,) "Sorry Charlie!"  Guess I'll miss his comments.  So will Saul Alinsky.  Like we miss a terminally sick tooth after a trip to the dentist.  Hah!

Oh, well--what I won't miss, at least not for a while is Ricky Nelson.  Song was good when I first heard it, and still is.  Class of '62, too, was, and still is, a good, very good group.  Thanks again, Judy and Martha, and all others who had anything to do with the outing (at one most appropriate "club.")  Got that, "class?"  We've been "outed!" (All should consider themselves as being "Classy"!)

And thanks to all who came.  (Even Charlie!)       SVG

Monday, March 11, 2019

Not really a poet? Hmmm?

For the Father:  I

Well…I’m not really a poet, (you see,) though try I often do.
And, I’m not much of a singer—now tell me, friend, are you?
So now you know just what I’m not, what might ye think I am?
Tell me, friend, could I possibly be, that long lost King of Siam?

One thing’s for sure, my skin’s not quite right, it’s just a bit too mellow,
For most to say (at least today) it’s definitely not very yellow;
And as for the eyes, you don’t have to be wise, to see too little slant,
To be King or not, is not my lot, I would, if I could, but I can’t!

So, if not the poet, and not the singer, and certainly no King of Siam,
What then, my friend, Something better, perhaps? Better? Is that what I am?
Or so I think, without a doubt, there is that Family, you know…
And more than a poet or singer or King might be needed for Family to grow.

The answer is simple, the answer is true; all know what I know and now say,
With Mother, there is one, and that one is I; I’m the Father to this family!
(All say Hooray!  Say Hooray, today, Hooray, Hooray--for ME!)
Which brings us, friend to our poem’s end: Fini; Fini; Fini!

Sunday, February 24, 2019

When Aphrodite calls, Adonis listens.

Hello?  Yeah, hi, Ap—say, it’s blank screen time again, is it?  Well, OK, if that’s the way you want it (just a minute and I’ll turn off the lights here too.  There.  Whatcha want?) 

Hmmm…same old subject, I see.  Well, as I’ve said before, anything you want to talk about is fine with me.  Sure…, “Ap and Don,” back to nicknames again.  Fine.  No!  Wait a minute (don’t disconnect!)  You know how I am when I just wake up.  Yeah, everything’s fine.  Go ahead, “dearest.”

Yeah, I slept fine, too.  It’s just this morning thing is a little trying at times.  Morningbrain is one thing, but morninghead is quite another.  Still waking up.  Give me one more minute….  There!  Coffee always helps. 

What’s that?  Oh, no, Tobi’s fine.  So is Jennie.  They’re both sawing logs in our bedroom.  You’d think it would be full by now, but it seems we always find another place to stash them till we need them.  Me, though, that’s another story.  Morningbrain comes and goes with a degree of regularity it seems.  Logs or no logs, it’s always sitting there in the background waiting on me to grab my trusty HP to record whatever we might come up with (whenever and wherever that may happen!)  And, yes, my dear, here and now is just fine. 

Say again…just a bit louder, this time…Sex is it?   Sure.   I mean, why not?  What else is there when Aphrodite calls?  Adonis has no choice.  Yeah, I’m still here—still glued to my keyboard, so to speak.  What—me first?  Sure….

As you well know, I have had more than my share of locker room experience.  First there was that time in Talladega that we all know about…birthdays come to us all, right?  Then there was that time when I broke my leg and had to be rushed to the hospital.  Again—always another hospital.  And, that’s not even to mention all those times with mom and dad in the night when all I really wanted to do was not to wet my pajamas.  Yeah, locker room stuff comes around regardless—even when we were little kids. 

And then as I progressed to sports there were times when we were here or there and had to dress out.  Yup, again there comes another locker room.  Sports locker rooms beat those times in the middle of the night and those times with docs and nurses taking care of problems we would just as well like not to have to think about.  Sports brought all of us guys together, and required that we take showers before leaving after our encounters on the gridiron or in the gym or on the baseball diamond.  Yes there it was, dearest, me and the other guys all together getting cleaned up in the shower room.  And what did that teach us?  Well, you know what that taught us, us guys, that is!  In spite of what our founding fathers might have written, it was more than obvious that all “men” were not created equal.  Or “boys,” either, for that matter. 

I particularly remember one time in High School when I was showering with a variety of others and one big guy (he was the fullback, mind you,) came in and began to get cleaned up.  Well!  Shoulders like a park bench, slimming down like a Hollywood idol, and no one said a word about what was obvious to all of us.  Size might not matter to a certain degree, but it sure was obvious to all that day.  And did anyone comment on what we all saw?  Did anyone want to be tossed around like a rag doll in the hands of a mad owner in her own room?   Nooooo!  Whatever we saw and thought was buried under a mound of concern as to what this guy might do if anyone said anything the least bit critical about his “physique.”  Oh, Aphrodite, how you girls must wonder about things like this.  I mean, what’s to see in that girls’ locker room (if you’re a girl yourself, I mean!)  What we guys see and avoid commenting on, as opposed to what you might be looking at in your locker rooms is more than obvious.  If anyone wants to know anything more, here, allow me to suggest a trip to a fine arts display.  Aphrodite and Adonis, indeed! 

Your turn, Ap!  Come on, now, I’d really like to hear what you come up with.

Heh, heh, heh…!

Sunday, January 6, 2019

To be the Boss, “Deux”

To be the Boss, “Deux”

Listening to today’s morning “News” hours, yep, “Stephanopolis’s,” and, “Meet the Press,” you know what I mean, I can’t help but pass on a bit of commentary about our President, and his government shutdown.  We all heard what he (the Donald) had to say about his shutdown, how it may go on a while, up to, and including, a couple of years, and I think he has a point—misdirected though it is.  He is like that second grader who is threatening to hold his or her breath until he or she gets what he or she wants, and we all know how that turns out!  Well, the same thing will happen in this case, and unless what he really wants is a time-out to go to Maralago to find some substitute for Smokey Daniels to pull around by the short-hairs, which would be a shame, considering the class acts that are our first Lady and his children, a government shutdown is really totally unnecessary.  Please consider the following, Sir!

While you still own the title, let me say, “Mr. President:  Why not, instead of closing down the Government, just close down the Office of the Presidency?  Would this not allow you to go wherever you wish, and do whatever you wish, to include that short-hair business, without impacting our country negatively one bit?”  And, also, if that would come to pass, it would not terribly impact some other pretty fine politicians, like Mitch McConnell, and Lindsay Graham, for example, and would get your point across without negatively impacting (also) hundreds of thousand governmental workers and millions of other Americans who depend on the government for necessary governmental services. 

Why not try that, Boss (and, oh yes, that term is used intentionally—see,) and see what it gets you, but more importantly, see what it gets America.  And thank you for your attention, Mr. President, Boss, wherever you are.  And, of course, “God Bless America.” (We really do so need your help with this, Lord of All, Lord of the Universe, regardless of what some sociopath in a position of power may think is what HE needs to magnify HIS glorious name, and more importantly, HIS glorious pocket-book.)

Thank you, All

Copyright Stephen V. Geddes, Aiken, SC, 06 January 2019.