Friday, January 8, 2021

Trumpian environmental probems

Problems may be the name of the game when Biden and crew take over.  According to an article in Scientific American, funding problems initiated by Trump may require quite a bit of correction.

"President-elect Joe Biden’s transition team says the Trump administration has done more damage than anticipated to the government’s ability to address climate change.

"Potentially lowering expectations for the incoming president’s early climate efforts, Biden officials say their agency review teams have found deeper budget cuts, wider staff losses and more systematic elimination of climate programs and research than they realized.

"Some climate moves can’t happen until Biden officials remedy those deficiencies, a senior transition official said, because 'those have been very carefully directed budget cuts to the very parts of the [EPA] that are going to be necessary to get rid of [Trump’s] outrageous rollbacks.' "

For more info, go to the recent Scientific American article by  

1 comment:

Stephen V. Geddes said...

Could be the tip of the iceberg, folks!