Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Remembering Alvanos

A man I knew, (because of a job I had,) once told me he knew he should remember me but he couldn't--and the reason he gave was Alzheimers.  I told him "no problem," of course, and made a note to look that term up.  Well, I guess you know this happened quite a few years ago.  

Today, most of us will recognize that term and understand what it's all about.  My acquaintance, though gave me an opportunity to learn a bit about an ailment that years later was to take my mother to her "happy hunting ground," and one that may do the same for me.  My wife, in any case, thinks that may be the case.  

"Whatever," I think.  If Alzheimers it is, there probably will be a race to the finish for it and for quite a few other possibilities my 77 year old body may propose.  In any case, that one-time customer operated a long-time restaurant downtown in Aiken, and it was the place to go for coffee and breakfast for many years.  

It was located between the two movie theatres and was called by its owner's name, "Alvanos."  

I often would have my morning cup of coffee there, as did my competitors, the milkmen from "Pet."  Coble was my ride, though, an opportunity I had following one of my more lack-luster quarters at Georgia Tech.  It lasted almost one year, an interesting learning experience for me, at that.  And, strange as it may seem, a most enjoyable ride it was!

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