Thursday, December 10, 2020

Phone scam from phone scum

 I received a phone call this morning, at about 8:10, I believe, and the call was from my good old friend “Dnad” at 877-609-5704 (one of many DNA-ers on my phone list.)  This morning, instead of just ignoring the call, I decided to answer it.  I then hung up after about 5 seconds.  Guess that qualified it as a received call for me, and a made call for the DNA-er.  Which, I suspect, they get to pay for at whatever rate the phone company charges.  A good thing, I suspect, since my DNA list is comprised of phones that our “” lists as: The phone number (877) 609-5704 is registered to Unknown . There is a High Risk this phone number is associated with Fraud or Spam.”  OR, if you get my drift, it is a phone call I’d just as soon not receive at all!  (Which is why it is on my DNA, “Do Not Answer,” list.) 

However, when I answered it, the spammer/or fraud purveyor, did incur an expense which, if enough users were to utilize this system, just might give them expenses that may even outweigh their fraudulent income.  A good idea, no?

Try it, I think you’ll like it! (, I mean—and their “reverse phone” directory.)  You may like it, but the SOB’s at the other end of the line probably will not!

And, of course, if you didn’t know, “SOB’s” stands for “Sweet Ole’ Boy's ” of course.  And, like I said, try it--and, let me know what you think.  If a few thousand of us figure them out, and pass on this information to our friends, having learned how to outwit them, maybe, just maybe, they might look for a real job and stop trying to swindle money from the rest of us!

And that's it, folks!  Thanks!


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