Saturday, September 5, 2020

Want Democracy? VOTE!

Well, it’s another Labor Day weekend, and wife is watching Paladin.  Interesting.  I remember how I used to think, when they flashed his business card, how “Wire” was an unusual first name.  Kidthink, I think.


Well, no matter, somewhere along the line I began to understand just what that business card meant.  Today the card would have said “email Paladin” with an accompanying address.  Or, maybe it would have referenced a web site to go to, to find a contact form (docs do this all the time—guess they don’t trust email.) I guess a hundred years or so would give a person a range of options in the contact department, right?  Maybe in another hundred years we might just voice our message to Paladin and expect an answer whenever.


But wait—isn’t that something “Alexa” might be able to handle today?  Goodness. Maybe in another hundred years we will just have to think about contacting Paladin and our friend “Alexa” would take it from there.  Then, again, maybe Alexa will be out of the picture entirely, then, and all of us will automatically be in touch with whomever over an all-overriding thoughtnet. 


A good idea?  Not in my book!  Those messages from the WhiteHouse would eliminate all hopes for having the least bit of independence in that thought department—and the substitute for personal thought would be totally obnoxious babble.


God help us!  Another 4 years?  God help us if this is to be our fate—in a hundred years, or a hundred +/- days. 


Trump?  T-Rump?  Or (4 our of five ain’t bad, they say) just plain Rump.


Vote, America!  And, (this time) GET IT RIGHT!

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