Friday, September 4, 2020

Blog work--what's that?

 I’m working on something I haven’t done in quite a while—that is (just) working.  OK, you say, so why do you say that?  Well I guess the problem here might be time, and how I’ve learned to spend what used to be something I had that I traded to various “employers” for a paycheck…something that no longer is something I must do since now I receive those checks on a regular basis as pay for my earlier performance in and payment to various retirement systems.  And this, to me, is a problem.

A problem, you see, since I still have the ability to generate just a few things that could be considered worthwhile and, therefore, could give me a reason to return to the “workforce” to a certain extent.  The question now becomes “why is this a problem?”

 And the answer is:  “What, precisely, do you want to do!”

 Which, question posed, now requires an answer.  Be a writer?  Well, sounds good, but how do I position myself in such a manner that a monthly check would begin to grace my mailbox to the extent and degree that I would find just a bit satisfactory?  Good question, wouldn’t you say?  Is it even possible to have Blog work be real work…with real pay?

 Well, let’s see what might be found on the internet.

 (Check back in the morning.)

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