Tuesday, September 29, 2020

And one more thing, again….


If you haven’t thought of this before, how about the difference between that 22 year old and 29 year old mind?  7 years is a good bit, to some people, but just how much is it?  Well, if you had asked my wife that question, right after she and I tied the knot, I expect she might have said, “yes, there is a difference, but usually it really isn’t all that much.”  Then, as life goes on (kids, pets, whatever) the difference all but disappears until, guess what, there you go, again, with no kids, no pets, and, again, guess what…that difference is a whole lot less.


And now, for wife and me, we find 77 and 70 to provide much less difference than that initial 7 years did way back when.  We still walk into a room and think, “just why did I come in here?”  The difference?  Well, today, that happens a lot more often than it did when we first met.  And it might take just a bit longer (or should I say a lot longer?) to remember just why you walked into that room.  Anyhow, the tale here might be to return to when you were 10 and your sister was 3.  Any difference?  You betcha!


So, is there a problem here?  Well, only if you let it be.  Knowing there is a problem and one that will continue to grow for both of you as time wears on, you will be on the right track.  And, if little things, say the possibility of Alzheimer’s, comes to your mind, you might just put that out of it.  What is there to do, anyway?  To the doc, maybe, and what does that get you?  Well, take it from me, pohdner, other than bills you wish you didn’t have and answers that are like those bills, not much.


Like it?  Well, there is an alternative—but most of us would say no thankee to that alternative.  In any case, I hope that will be your thinking when you, too, get here.  Just ask your wife.  (Preferably, ask her “early in the mornin’ about the break of day.”)  Then make a return to that folk song and remember, it’s the Lord you should be asking, since it is that very Lord who has the answer, the only answer you might find that has real meaning, and, thank you PP&M for your take on that..


“Help me find a way, to that promised land, (This lonely body, needs a helping hand,) I asked the Lord, won’t you please, help me find a way!”


Sunday, September 27, 2020

Alcohol causing you a problem?

 One thing that's in that "Deux" blog that I probably should point out here is found as:  https://stephenvgeddes2.blogspot.com/2019/12/next-time-what-say-ye.html .  And, if you might have the least problem with my one-time favorite beverage class, you just might want to take a look there.  It's my AA story, and it does bring up a few good points that any drinker (or anyone who is worried about a family member or friend who just might have a problem with drink) might want to consider.  

In any case, that's something I wanted to mention.  One man's misery could save another or, at least, give him or her something to think about.  

C'est ca!  (That's all!)  


Thursday, September 24, 2020

And one more thing...

It’s interesting—I awoke, as often I do, fairly early today.  Still, I didn’t think this was one of my usual “morningbrain” incidents, maybe because it began around 5:00 instead of the more usual earlier hour that is my norm.  Early enough, I guess (though.) 


It seems my daily routine may be contributing to my sleeplessness incidents.  I tend to drink a lot during my days (coffee, tea, today, thank you, libations of the past were more of the “adult” variety until I realized this was just not to be for me, beginning, maybe, ten years ago, which drinking led to my current alcoholic abstinence, which abstinence is not only a personal desire, but a medical necessity) and this drinking today leaves me with an overabundance of internalized water which seems to insist on “getting out” overnight, usually with a number of half-conscious trips to the bathroom.  Not a real problem for me, so long as I don’t try to waken, just the way I am.  


This morning, though, I’ve noticed something new.  It seems like every little sound is vying for my attention—something I’ve not had any problem with before, but something that may be useful, maybe even a bit endearing, considering Beethoven’s deafness was supposedly psychological in nature as opposed to being organic, something that absolutely could not be overcome.  Am I like Beethoven here?  The Great Beethoven?  Wow—I’ll certainly take that explanation, if at all possible!  And, maybe I won’t have to wear those $800 “hearing aids” forever if that is the case (I don’t like them.  Can’t scratch my ears when they itch.) 


IN ANY CASE, today’s job is to try to define my house as it was.  As anyone might tell you, I am not particularly shy with a camera, and have even, in the past, thought I should document my home should the unthinkable happen.  Can’t remember if I ever did this, though.  Spent a couple of hours last night going through this laptop (trusty ole’ Hp) copying everything that might apply.  Wondering if I may have made a CD with the house on in while using my former laptop?  (This just occurred to me—it’s been several years since the former went “keys up” on me.)  Will stop the writing here to look up the case of CD’s I saved early in the current days of the after-fire.  Back in a bit.


Well—it was a 2 hour “bit,” but I found them.  Now to review them.  And one more thing--wrote this just a few months ago and left it on a crowded desktop,  Awakened today, at the usual hour (hah!), and while looking at my desktop rediscovered this.  So....


Saturday, September 12, 2020


Well, it’s been quite a while since I last posted on my other site (MB--deux), and there is a reason for that, as there is a reason for almost anything any of us do or don’t do. 


My reason is just this:  My initial blog, "Morningbrain, what keeps me up nights," was cast aside by me by mistake.  You see, when I had gone beyond 50 posts, it appeared the initial posts were being cast aside by the blog rules.  But appearances are not always right, as I found a while after starting a secondary blog, Morningbrain—deux.  Seems I had selected 50 for the number of posts of that initial blog and when I exceeded that number the initial posts were hidden to allow for my given number of 50 posts.  Interestingly enough, the earliest posts were there, they just were not obvious. 


In any case, after establishing a second blog, and using it for a while, I discovered this initial Morningbrain blog was, still, usable.  All I needed to do was change one number in my description of the blog and all was well.  Interesting.


So, what did I do?  Well, I returned to this first blog and began to post there again.  Now what I guess I ought to do is incorporate the posts in Morningbrain—deux into the original blog and move forward from there.  Come to think of it, maybe this little note needs to be on both blogs.  Who knows--there may be a good reason to keep both of  'em!  (Which is what I will do--for a while, anyway!) 


Ain’t Blogger great?  Well, I like it, in any case. 

Saturday, September 5, 2020

Want Democracy? VOTE!

Well, it’s another Labor Day weekend, and wife is watching Paladin.  Interesting.  I remember how I used to think, when they flashed his business card, how “Wire” was an unusual first name.  Kidthink, I think.


Well, no matter, somewhere along the line I began to understand just what that business card meant.  Today the card would have said “email Paladin” with an accompanying address.  Or, maybe it would have referenced a web site to go to, to find a contact form (docs do this all the time—guess they don’t trust email.) I guess a hundred years or so would give a person a range of options in the contact department, right?  Maybe in another hundred years we might just voice our message to Paladin and expect an answer whenever.


But wait—isn’t that something “Alexa” might be able to handle today?  Goodness. Maybe in another hundred years we will just have to think about contacting Paladin and our friend “Alexa” would take it from there.  Then, again, maybe Alexa will be out of the picture entirely, then, and all of us will automatically be in touch with whomever over an all-overriding thoughtnet. 


A good idea?  Not in my book!  Those messages from the WhiteHouse would eliminate all hopes for having the least bit of independence in that thought department—and the substitute for personal thought would be totally obnoxious babble.


God help us!  Another 4 years?  God help us if this is to be our fate—in a hundred years, or a hundred +/- days. 


Trump?  T-Rump?  Or (4 our of five ain’t bad, they say) just plain Rump.


Vote, America!  And, (this time) GET IT RIGHT!

Friday, September 4, 2020

Blog work--what's that?

 I’m working on something I haven’t done in quite a while—that is (just) working.  OK, you say, so why do you say that?  Well I guess the problem here might be time, and how I’ve learned to spend what used to be something I had that I traded to various “employers” for a paycheck…something that no longer is something I must do since now I receive those checks on a regular basis as pay for my earlier performance in and payment to various retirement systems.  And this, to me, is a problem.

A problem, you see, since I still have the ability to generate just a few things that could be considered worthwhile and, therefore, could give me a reason to return to the “workforce” to a certain extent.  The question now becomes “why is this a problem?”

 And the answer is:  “What, precisely, do you want to do!”

 Which, question posed, now requires an answer.  Be a writer?  Well, sounds good, but how do I position myself in such a manner that a monthly check would begin to grace my mailbox to the extent and degree that I would find just a bit satisfactory?  Good question, wouldn’t you say?  Is it even possible to have Blog work be real work…with real pay?

 Well, let’s see what might be found on the internet.

 (Check back in the morning.)