Friday, April 5, 2019

Internet Info (and military training) Can Be Useful

CPR, Anyone?
Now I don't know if you have to have a subscription to the internet’s Medscape (free, of course), but the reference below is to an article about CPR (Cardio-pulmonary Resuscitation) and relative survival rates using two types of CPR.  We in the military were taught compression with ventilation, the best type according to the article.  Guess all I'm saying here, is if one is to get into trouble and need help, one would be well advised to have one's problem somewhere where there are military personnel, active duty, reserve, or national guard members, or retirees, around.  Some military training subjects can be useful to anyone, and, in the case of first aid training, it is something many may never have had the chance to learn.  Glad I had the opportunity (might not have had it if the draft and the Vietnam war hadn't been in effect when I was an appropriate age, though.)


Stephen V. Geddes said...

Want something a bit more current?

Stephen V. Geddes said...

And one more thing--this blog began a bit after 9-11, and the first entry may appeal to many readers. And thanks for your interest!!! SVG