Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Post office time!

Went to my Southside Post Office today to mail one of my autobio’s to a couple of close friends who live just about as far as anyone might live away from us, and still live on our planet. Address ended up with a town called Dunedin. That is, Dunedin, NewZealand.

Was happy to send the book and the how-to pamphlet (Autobiographical Trust) to our old friend (one of the best artists, by the way, on the planet!) While waiting for the clerk to do her part in the process, I noticed a form behind her that was just a bit interesting: “HOW TO OBTAIN A PO BOX” was the title on the form. As is often the case when I see something like this, I queried the clerk, stating, “If I wanted to rent a box, I would want it to be a GOOD box--was there a form for that?” After a moment, she caught on! Good employee, I’d say!

And as for those books, they are on the way, today! And, if I wanted to continue the rhyme, I would undoubtedly quote from Yogi Bear. (If you know what I mean!  He, he!  Close, but no cigar?) (:-) 

Thanks for the read!  SVG


Stephen V. Geddes said...

And, by the way, should you want just a little more "Morningbrain," you might try:

Unknown said...

would hate to have been the one paying the p.o. charges on those packages. learned my lesson when I volunteered to mail a 5 lbs package of grits to the U.K.

Stephen V. Geddes said...

Considering how my package weighed approximately one pound, I'm really not sure if I would have sent it had it weighed like yours! Thanks for the comment, in any case, Diane!