Saturday, June 20, 2020

Blog, Blog, everyone loves to Blog, Blog!

A number of months ago, I noticed a bit of a problem, or so I thought, with this blog business.  Wanting to keep my very first blog as something some might want to read, it appeared to me that early insertions would be dropped by the system.  Don't know why I thought what I thought, but, to be sure things were not lost, I started a second blog, "Morningbrain--deux..." and began making my posts there.  Turns out this was not necessary, but I didn't know that at the time.  In any case, for me one blog is more than enough, and, accordingly, I will concentrate my efforts here, on good 'ole "Morningbrain," for the moment.  Some of the writing I did on the new MBrain I will transfer here, and for a while, anyway, the MB deux will be saved for I don't know what purpose.  Could be there are just some things that might be better kept separate, just don't know.  In any case, this original business of "what keeps me up nights" should be all anyone might need to follow (if anyone wants to follow my middle-of-the-night thinking at all) so that is that.  Since I no longer have anything to post in that one-time online "newspaper,", to which I wrote a bit over a hundred articles, I guess anything I find interesting that I suspect you may find interesting, too, will show up here.  And thank you, dear friend, for dropping in.


Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Post office time!

Went to my Southside Post Office today to mail one of my autobio’s to a couple of close friends who live just about as far as anyone might live away from us, and still live on our planet. Address ended up with a town called Dunedin. That is, Dunedin, NewZealand.

Was happy to send the book and the how-to pamphlet (Autobiographical Trust) to our old friend (one of the best artists, by the way, on the planet!) While waiting for the clerk to do her part in the process, I noticed a form behind her that was just a bit interesting: “HOW TO OBTAIN A PO BOX” was the title on the form. As is often the case when I see something like this, I queried the clerk, stating, “If I wanted to rent a box, I would want it to be a GOOD box--was there a form for that?” After a moment, she caught on! Good employee, I’d say!

And as for those books, they are on the way, today! And, if I wanted to continue the rhyme, I would undoubtedly quote from Yogi Bear. (If you know what I mean!  He, he!  Close, but no cigar?) (:-) 

Thanks for the read!  SVG