Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Yesterday, today, and tomorrow

According to a Brookings Institute post, the Covid-19 outbreak began in WuHan China sometime early in November 2019.  Since then, it has gone "viral," amply demonstrating why we have and use that phrase.   Since then, our lives have all changed remarkably.  At that point in time, I was beginning to retrace steps I had taken in our Hitchcock Woods while I was writing environmental articles for an on-line news site.  My days typically began leisurely, awakening with my wife and our trusted companion, TobiJuan, watching the morning news programs, and deciding how I might spend a little time doing things I liked to do with my two trusted house-mates.  Are things really that different now?

Yes they are.  Now, along with me, each and every home on my street has neighbors waking up every morning wondering what might have changed in our world over night that they need to know about.  Many of us are not going in to work that we used to report to on a daily basis, and now, after watching our fill of the morning news shows, our neighborhood is awash with dogs, children, moms, and dads on all sorts of vehicles (golf carts, bikes and feet, mostly) getting out and around instead of heading to work and going through the routine found in that environment.  Everyone is doing things a bit differently these days, and, hopefully, this will end sooner, rather than later, although it doesn't look like this will be happening.

Wife and I will continue with our daily routines, which for us involves taking care of TobiJuan, fixing lunch, and deciding if a trip to the store might be needed.  That's today.  Hopefully, this time next year we will all be thankful this episode in our lives is behind us.  The only thing I might hope for is that what might be learned from this exercise might result in better preparedness the next time it is needed--which will hopefully recur later rather than sooner.  A turn-around needed?  Hopefully it will get more than just a little attention by the leadership of our world's nations.  Think that will happen?  Better stated might be "who thinks that will happen."  A question--just not a very good one.

Of course, one thing might alter our routine just a bit--that thing is called our Presidential election.  I already know how my vote will go, if not who it will be for.  Looking forward to seeing some major changes, in any case, following that vote.  Hope enough are in agreement with wife and me and we have an opportunity to see things change for the better (much better) in the new year!  Thanks, all.



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