It was bound to happen !
Morningbrain struck about an hour ago (3:30 +/-.) Thought about this a few minutes and all I can say, is, "I wonder if maybe Herr Brain sometimes activates due to the sleeping posture and the improvement of the blood/oxygen flow that is bound to occur when one is supine as opposed to having the head at the top of a verticality?" May be one reason for the sleeplessness that attacks with a certain degree of regularity at night after a certain time has passed and one thing or another, e.g., hydraulic overload (?) requires arousal.
Oh, well, whatever the reason, it just happens. Today, after Tobi and I returned from our respective dewatering holes, he returned to bed and I turned on the livingroom TV. So far, nothing interesting there, so I took a crack at this. Blogger is often neglected, even though, as its name implies, it probably should come first at this time of the day.
Well. Went to Facebook and, wanting to post something appropriate, immediately perused UTube. Found it almost immediately, having suggested "Ricky Nelson and Garden Party." Listened, then posted ( ) to memorialize, to a certain extent, a party for "The Graduating Class of 1962" that was set up by Judy Lackey (with assistance from, I suspect, "sigoth" David Ellett, and friend Martha Lockhart,) at Aiken, SC's "Outing Club." Thanks, Judy, Martha! Loved it!
It was a great day for it, and quite a few of us were able to be there. Missed those who did not come and, of course, those who could not come (fewer of us available, the later in life we all are.)
Particularly enjoyed seeing some of my old baseball buddies, Terry Chance, Henry Roberts, Dick Simons, e.g., along with wives and other friendly folks. I even met one lady who said she had worked with my dad. Boy, would I like to talk with her a while longer! Never knew much about what my dad did--workers at the site were reluctant to talk about what must have been highly classified work. Ran into one Fbooker who didn't seem to want to talk. Maybe he felt disrespected due to one of my posts. All I have to say about that is (to use a "fishy" quote,) "Sorry Charlie!" Guess I'll miss his comments. So will Saul Alinsky. Like we miss a terminally sick tooth after a trip to the dentist. Hah!
Oh, well--what I won't miss, at least not for a while is Ricky Nelson. Song was good when I first heard it, and still is. Class of '62, too, was, and still is, a good, very good group. Thanks again, Judy and Martha, and all others who had anything to do with the outing (at one most appropriate "club.") Got that, "class?" We've been "outed!" (All should consider themselves as being "Classy"!)
And thanks to all who came. (Even Charlie!) SVG