Sunday, January 6, 2019

To be the Boss, “Deux”

To be the Boss, “Deux”

Listening to today’s morning “News” hours, yep, “Stephanopolis’s,” and, “Meet the Press,” you know what I mean, I can’t help but pass on a bit of commentary about our President, and his government shutdown.  We all heard what he (the Donald) had to say about his shutdown, how it may go on a while, up to, and including, a couple of years, and I think he has a point—misdirected though it is.  He is like that second grader who is threatening to hold his or her breath until he or she gets what he or she wants, and we all know how that turns out!  Well, the same thing will happen in this case, and unless what he really wants is a time-out to go to Maralago to find some substitute for Smokey Daniels to pull around by the short-hairs, which would be a shame, considering the class acts that are our first Lady and his children, a government shutdown is really totally unnecessary.  Please consider the following, Sir!

While you still own the title, let me say, “Mr. President:  Why not, instead of closing down the Government, just close down the Office of the Presidency?  Would this not allow you to go wherever you wish, and do whatever you wish, to include that short-hair business, without impacting our country negatively one bit?”  And, also, if that would come to pass, it would not terribly impact some other pretty fine politicians, like Mitch McConnell, and Lindsay Graham, for example, and would get your point across without negatively impacting (also) hundreds of thousand governmental workers and millions of other Americans who depend on the government for necessary governmental services. 

Why not try that, Boss (and, oh yes, that term is used intentionally—see,) and see what it gets you, but more importantly, see what it gets America.  And thank you for your attention, Mr. President, Boss, wherever you are.  And, of course, “God Bless America.” (We really do so need your help with this, Lord of All, Lord of the Universe, regardless of what some sociopath in a position of power may think is what HE needs to magnify HIS glorious name, and more importantly, HIS glorious pocket-book.)

Thank you, All

Copyright Stephen V. Geddes, Aiken, SC, 06 January 2019.