Sunday, July 15, 2018

Not again (yes, again, and again, and...)

Not again (yes, again, and again, and...)
One more time--5:30 or so (man did I get that name right.) Perusing facebook after trying to deal with several problems that I couldn't just roll over and forget about, I found the following:

Regarding Trump the sociopath, Marie Doug provided the following reference on a Jackson Bowman page.

Marie Doug: Donald Trump is a Brooklyn kid and very New York. If you’ve never lived/loved New Yorkers, you are not likely to recognize the big, bold persona... 
Trump’s not a sociopath, in any case... although if ppl only read hostile media about him, they will get wild ideas about him...

Me: Marie Doug, No, but thanks for the reference. Will read it later--seems things always happen on Sunday mornings around here. Cat is meowing, dog can't seem to have a movement or take a leak, one of the various smoke detectors seems to want attention--do you suppose a few angels were reading Job and decided to try again? With me and my life, and maybe more. Maybe if they got together and came up with a way to get those silly humans to start lobbing nuclear bombs at each other they could have a few eons of peace while the earth returned to pre-human existence and began, via evolution, to come up with some other top predator species. Well, I certainly don't know about that, but, Sunday morning or no, I will have to do something about that damn smoke detector, the cat, and, of course, my poor dog. S**t ! And, yes, I've lived with a few New Yorkers, while in the military inTurkey, and you are right. They can be trying. But they also can be thoughtful and fun to be around. Trump, though? Hope God gets wind of those angels before, as "they" say, all hell breaks loose.

Gotta get some sleep. Jennie watching “In Touch.” Maybe that might help

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