Friday, July 27, 2018

After the fire, Renewal!

4:00?  Well, guess that’s about right.  Can’t complain too much—glad to be up and able to do a bit of writing.  Apartment quiet, in any case, and almost no noise coming off of the street.  Good.

Brain had me lying in bed thinking for about 30 minutes before I got up.  Never can seem to remember those thoughts after getting up, though.  Maybe one, though, the one connected with the house fire.  And that is, the very next time I find myself walking away from a burning house I will immediately start a journal to chronicle what I would like to say, which is: What Happens Next! 

To start with, that journal will discuss the firefighters and their work.  It will then move on to the need for and finding temporary quarters.  It will then move on to working with the insurance company and finding a contractor to make the needed repairs, or, as the case may be, to rebuild the house.  Exciting stuff, right?  Well, it would have been if the feeling of having the rug pulled out from under you were not an underlying factor in your life, or, as the case may be (is) in your lives!  As I may have said somewhere before, while we have never had a “why me (us)” thought, the question is still one that may occur and the answer lies in our relation to our higher power and the universe, I guess.  Does the Lord, indeed, have a reason for our survival?  If so, what might that be.  And, considering the vastness of our universe, there is that biblical question, “What is man, that thou art mindful of him?” 

Too much to go into now, I guess.  The next thing for us involves doctors (Jennie’s knee,) the house (which our adjuster insists will be ready by the time he has scheduled us to be out of the apartment on September 30, according to an email I just found,) and the return to the newly restored house and the furnishing of same with newly yet-to-be-acquired furniture.  Considering the timing of this note, we have two months (today is 7/27/2018) to finalize everything and be ready to move --well, no, more precisely to have accomplished that move into our new home.  A lot to do.

Guess the planning for the furniture and the move begins today.  And, since I’ve been up for about an hour and a half now, maybe I just might get a little more sleep before I need to start.  (See how things seem to work out, if you give them time?)

Sheesh!  More on this and everything else later.

A lot of work—exciting, no?

Time? 5:30.

Monday, July 23, 2018

Morning muses

Well, it’s happened again.  I’m up, trip to the loo.  Tobi’s up too (same for him!)  Back indoors, Tobi in bed with Jennie, and me with this.  Honestly, though, first I was back in bed too, but my alzheimer’s brain (still undiagnosed, liking it that way) required this back to the laptop time.   Not something new, of course, just the way things are.

Thinking going in all directions.  Guess that “Great Courses” thing on “Mindfulness” might be helpful (at least that is my hope.)  Will continue with that later, at a more enlightened hour, in any case.  For now, though, I’ll just attempt to revive what was there while I was doing my supine best to just get back to sleep.  Unsuccessfully, you see. 

Well, now on the laptop and first to Facebook.  Some success there—found a way to capture a “friends” list, something that used to be easy but that has succumbed to the Facebook geniuses’ need to keep changing things.  Guess that’s OK (not really,) it’s just what they do to justify their salaries.  Guess they gotta do something.  Wish I could justify a salary like many of them have.  Not likely, though.  Guess many of us are wishing that.  Not likely for any of us, though. 

My old friend and mentor, Bill Landiss, at the Georgia Tech Wesley Foundation, once shared a quote from Kierkegaard, “Life is just one damn thing after another, then there’s death.”  What else is there to say, one might say?  We all are on our ride on our own “Ship of fools,” each of us with a one-way ticket, at that.  Or so I think. 

Maybe that idea that we continue to return for life-times over and over again has some merit, though.  From the earliest of my days, I remember walking down some steps, holding the hand of my mother (or so I think) going with a group of people into what might be a fallout shelter, or a bomb shelter, somewhere in Great Britain, perhaps, during World War Two.  My birth in July of 1944 might support the idea of a direct hit on that bomb shelter, leaving me with an uncertain time in transition to that rebirth in 1944.  Can I be certain this is a memory of a time in an earlier life, or maybe just a memory of some movie I was taken to in the earliest of my years?  Good question, is about the best I can do here.

Moving from that notion to the present, all I can say is the myriad of thoughts I found so unavoidable while lying on my back with Jennie and Tobi to my side have, as usual, dispersed into the blackness of the night, and left me here, awake somewhat, doing what I do in situations like this.  Morningbrain reins.  God Help Me!

(Guess I’ll try again.  Hope I don’t wake either of my bedmates.) 

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Not again (yes, again, and again, and...)

Not again (yes, again, and again, and...)
One more time--5:30 or so (man did I get that name right.) Perusing facebook after trying to deal with several problems that I couldn't just roll over and forget about, I found the following:

Regarding Trump the sociopath, Marie Doug provided the following reference on a Jackson Bowman page.

Marie Doug: Donald Trump is a Brooklyn kid and very New York. If you’ve never lived/loved New Yorkers, you are not likely to recognize the big, bold persona... 
Trump’s not a sociopath, in any case... although if ppl only read hostile media about him, they will get wild ideas about him...

Me: Marie Doug, No, but thanks for the reference. Will read it later--seems things always happen on Sunday mornings around here. Cat is meowing, dog can't seem to have a movement or take a leak, one of the various smoke detectors seems to want attention--do you suppose a few angels were reading Job and decided to try again? With me and my life, and maybe more. Maybe if they got together and came up with a way to get those silly humans to start lobbing nuclear bombs at each other they could have a few eons of peace while the earth returned to pre-human existence and began, via evolution, to come up with some other top predator species. Well, I certainly don't know about that, but, Sunday morning or no, I will have to do something about that damn smoke detector, the cat, and, of course, my poor dog. S**t ! And, yes, I've lived with a few New Yorkers, while in the military inTurkey, and you are right. They can be trying. But they also can be thoughtful and fun to be around. Trump, though? Hope God gets wind of those angels before, as "they" say, all hell breaks loose.

Gotta get some sleep. Jennie watching “In Touch.” Maybe that might help