Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Red Cross and covid-19

Got an invitation I couldn't refuse today, seems I am eligible to donate blood again.  Which is a good thing, especially since a blood donation could help someone who might have difficulties fighting off this virus of note.  You see, there are people who have succeeded in overcoming Covid, and their blood contains essential antibodies that some seem to have difficulties coming up with, and those persons are the ones in dire strates when it comes to succeeding once the virus has begun its attacks.  If, though, one who has won this battle were to donate a pint of blood containing their antibodies, the person in need just may have a fighting chance.  Which is where I come in--you see, you can't expect that successful covid patient to just give blood without having someone like myself provide a bit of healthy blood to replace the covid resistant sample with.  Covid antibody blood saves the antibody poor individual, and good normal blood replaces it in the covid antibody producer's body.  

Should work.  All we need is for our Docs to figure this out and move on it, and for ample blood to be donated to cover the added needs that will be generated.  

If everybody does their part--fewer covid deaths will occur.

A good thing, no? 

And, no, this doesn't work in all cases--does work in some.  For the person dying from the infection, it is well worth a try.

Sunday, July 12, 2020

We do what we do--right?

You know how there are things you’d just as soon not be doing? Well, those things are the things we all should be looking for, and concentrating on, especially as we get older.

You see, the older you get, the less time you will find before you (and the more time there has been behind you!) And, as you have less time coming up, why not use it doing some of those things you really don’t like doing? Cleaning out the toilet, planning your next trip to the dentist, working on your obituary, you know, things you would just as soon not do at all? Well, why not? If you don’t think you would enjoy doing something, then the doing is something that would take time that you would rather not be taking, and as a result, the time would go slooow, really, really, sloooow!

Which would give you more time on planet earth, right (or, in any case, that’s how it would seem....)

Well {:-)? (Smile--it may not make things go slower, but it just might make you feel better about how things are going, regardless!)

Heh, heh, heh!