Here I go again (to paraphrase RR,) "Morningbrain" has struck,
and sleep is no longer an option.
Writing seems to work, though.
Problem is, by the time it works, it’s usually too late to return to
sleep. No matter, at least I feel the
papers left by the process may, occasionally, have some value, if to no one but
Facebook can be a waste of time. Then, again, so is television, but, at this
point in life, I’m not willing to totally give up either. Politics has resulted in strange
photo-fellows, it seems, and the picture of Trump alongside of Hillary is rife
on both screens: Which brings to mind
the phrase, “I don’t know how to love him,” (followed by) “He’s a man, he’s just a man…and I’ve known so many men before, in
so very, many ways, he’s just one more,” and while the first part definitely does not apply to this pairing, the second does, especially when you
consider they are both genuine “superstars” in their own right, even though
neither could appropriately be compared with the “Superstar” the quotation
originally applied to. (Can the election
come soon enough?)
Which brings to mind a Facebook “friend” who I choose to
call “Chad.” Chad is an ornery
sort, one who majors in negativity. He reminds me of a stanza from a Limelighter’s
“The whole
world is festering with unhappy souls:
The French hate the Germans, the Germans hate
the Poles;
The Poles hate the Yugoslavs; South Africans
hate the Dutch;
And I don’t like anybody very much!”
He hates Hillary, and professes to not like Trump much
either (but of the two, Trump is his stated choice, and if you disagree with
that, YOU’RE a “DA.” (And, for those who
might seek clarification, as “Fred G. Sanford” might once have said, “And the ‘D’
is for ‘Dumb,’ dummy!” Hope that gets the point across, ‘cause Ah ain’t a’clarifyin’
“Chad” any further.)
We are two days beyond the third, and final (thank God,) “debate”
of this pitiful political season. Truth of the matter is, I knew “debate,” and
this, my friend, was no “debate.” (Apologies are in order, I’m sure.) Four years from now, hopefully, our talking
heads will see the need to settle on the term “debacle” to define the process
with an added degree of clarity.
Debaters everywhere need to rise up and see that this is done to
preserve the sanctity of their time honored process.
What went on the last three times we have seen a “Presidential
Candidates Debate” would have been much more interesting, and just as
informative, if the Candidates’ Podia had been placed about one foot apart from
each other. That would have given us a
real spittin’ contest, with real spit, I’m sure. At least we the audience would have had
something to smile about if this had been the case.
Now, I have just enough time to make myself a cuppa and get
back to my other tube for the six o’clock
news. Whatta way to go! And to all of you, won’t you please have
yourself a “Good Morning,” unless, of course, you’ve already decided not so to
(And, of course, that last was for you, “Chad.”)
Anyone else have any suggestions? Comments are allowed.